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must be the place

What if you made this a must?

October 17, 20234 min read

“Not everyone is good at everything. But everyone is good at something. Find your strengths and outsource the rest” - Me

Deciding when to outsource business building tasks...

I’ve been there. At one time, I was a first-time business owner. I was so excited and determined not to be one of the statistics that “don’t make it.” I knew I had a fantastic maid service and wholeheartedly believed that I would do it all, hire, train, sell, administrate, provide customer service, and quality control. I tried my hand as a small business accountant for the first time. Indeed, I’d learn as I go and grow into a well-run organization. Yet, I tried to do it all and failed miserably.

Disillusion was high back then, but I’m glad I saw firsthand how impossible some tasks were. There’s no way that you can be all things in your business. And that’s ok. The sooner you figure this out, the better.

never give up motivation quote

You’re probably asking, “Well, what should I be doing”? Well, what are your business strengths? What do you enjoy doing most? What do you think you’re good at? I’ve worked with several small businesses with an owner who loves to bake or plumb pipes. And yes, you need to love your craft and have something unique to offer. But unfortunately, they had no idea how to run a business, let alone do concise marketing.

How much time do you have to NOT be good at something? The answer is probably zero. If that is the case, the first step would be to be very honest about your desire, skill set, and time. If you have no idea about accounting, don’t try to figure it out now! Of course, you should grasp your numbers and goals, but doing your filings, payroll, and business taxes can and should all be outsourced. Let the numbers people do the math while you focus on sales and quality control. 

I look at being a business owner as a GC or general contractor. You have a goal (a goal/ a finished house). You hire others to help build that goal (electrician, plumber, carpenter). You know a bit about plumbing, electricity, or interior design, but you should focus on what you are good at; that’s RUNNING your business.

I delegated tasks that I couldn’t do didn’t know how to do, or didn’t have the time to do efficiently. Hiring outside companies to complete these complicated tasks would have made an immense difference in my daily routines, resulting in my ability to scale and grow. For example, if I hadn’t spent days setting up QuickBooks or figuring out how to run ads, I would’ve had more time to grow my business.

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Outsourcing is a natural form of investing in your business and your revenue. In my early days, my apprehension to spend money on the one thing that could return my investment was highly foolish. I wanted to “save” money or wait until that “big” sale to re-invest the profit. I needed an egg before I needed a chicken! My mindset was in the way of what would have brought me new business, new revenue, and new opportunities. 

Nowadays, I’m done wallowing in the past with the could, should, and would haves. I know better now, and I do better now. I now outsource the things I dislike doing the most and that take up too much of my time and energy so that I can focus on my current clients and growing my agency. I hired not one but two business mentors! Another crucial (re)investment in my business!

Marianne Marrero founder of M808 Marketing

You can’t do better till you know better, and why waste any more time trying to figure it all out by yourself? Don’t reinvent the wheel when you can gain valuable knowledge faster and more concisely by outsourcing vital business tasks. The larger and more complex responsibilities such as your small business marketing, shouldn't be left to just anybody. Not all marketers understand the pressures of a home service owner or the chaos of a typical day.

If you are ready to take a firm look at where your business is and where it could be, let chat!

Follow this link to set up a quick call with me, bring all your questions!

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m808 marketing

Marianne is a certified digital marketing pro and small business marketer, helping local business owners find more freedom and profitability in their companies through strategic digital marketing and social selling.

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